Free E-book:
The Sovereign Woman’s Blueprint: Reclaim Your Power and Purpose

Ready to break free from the past and reclaim your sovereignty? The Sovereign Woman’s Blueprint is your step-by-step guide to healing from narcissistic abuse, rediscovering your authentic self, and stepping into a life of empowerment and purpose. This e-book provides practical tools, empowering strategies, and insightful exercises to help you rise into the empowered sovereign woman you were meant to be.

Download your free copy today and start your journey to freedom, inner peace, and personal sovereignty!

Reclaim Your Sovereignty After Narcissistic Abuse

Step into Your Power with Healthy Relationships to Yourself, Others, and Life.

Breaking free from the cycle of narcissistic abuse is more than just recovery - it's about reclaiming your sovereignty and embracing the woman you were always meant to be. If you've experienced narcissistic, psychological, or emotional abuse, you may feel disconnected from your inner self, caught in a fog of confusion, self-doubt, and fear. But this is not where your story ends.

You have the power to heal, grow, and rise into a life of purpose, self-love, and inner peace.

I'm Jillian, and I'm here to guide you on the journey to becoming an empowered, sovereign woman after narcissistic abuse. Through holistic healing, self-discovery, and tools that allow you to rebuild your identity, I will help you create a life filled with confidence, healthy relationships, and unwavering inner strength.

The Key to Reclaiming Your Sovereignty Starts Within

True healing begins with reconnecting to yourself.

Narcissistic abuse leaves deep emotional wounds that can be harder to recognize but just as painful. This type of abuse strips away your sense of self, leaving you vulnerable to manipulation and control. When you lose touch with who you truly are - your feelings, needs, and boundaries - it becomes easy to fall into toxic patterns and relationships.

You've spent far too long prioritizing the needs and expectations of others, leaving little time or energy for your own self-care, growth, or healing. The weight of of people-pleasing, excessive caretaking, and perfectionism has taken a toll on your soul, leaving you disconnected from your true essence.

The emotional trauma from narcissistic abuse often manifests as anxiety, depression, and an overwhelming need to protect yourself from further harm. This constant state of survival can drain your mental and emotional well-being. But remember, you are not alone.

Healing is possible, and it starts by turning inward.

True healing comes from within- from addressing the core wounds and transforming how you see yourself. By reconnecting with your inner power and rewriting the narrative of your worth, you can create a ripple effect that touches every aspect of your life.

This is where you reclaim your sovereignty.

Let Me Be Your Guide from Darkness to Sovereignty

I have walked the path you are now embarking on, and I understand it intimately. Raised by a narcissistic, psychologically, and emotionally abusive mother. I was caught in the cycle of abuse for 40 years. But I reclaimed my life - and now I'm here to help you reclaim yours.

You don't have to navigate this journey alone.

As a survivor of narcissistic abuse, I understand the depths of pain, confusion, and self-doubt that often linger long after the abuse ends. But I also know firsthand that healing is possible, and transformation is within your reach. I am here to guide you out of the fog and into your power as the sovereign woman you are meant to be.


A Path to Sovereignty and Wholeness

This is your time to rise. This is your time to live in alignment with your true self. This is your time to embrace the
full power of your sovereignty.

Healing from narcissistic abuse is not just about recovery - it's about stepping into your full power as a sovereign woman. Narcissistic, psychological, and emotional abuse leave deep imprints on the mind, body, and spirit. My approach is designed to heal all aspects of you, guiding you to reclaim your life and embody your true self.

I use an integrative, trauma-informed approach that honors your entire being, offering you a holistic healing journey. This means addressing the roots of your trauma on every level, so you can break free from the patterns of the past and fully embrace your personal sovereignty.

How I can help you


I help you take back what was lost during narcissistic abuse - your sense of self-worth, confidence, and identity. Together, we'll address the wounds of the past and reclaim your voice, your power, and your truth.


I will guide you to internalize your power and sovereignty. This is where you fully embody self-love, establish firm boundaries, and live with purpose and authenticity.


I will help you step into abundance and fulfillment. I help you create a life aligned with your deepest desires, set meaningful goals, and embrace joy, freedom, and success that come from living fully as your authentic self.

Jillian applies a gentle approach to healing. Being able to connect with someone who has personal experience of parental narcissism allows for a safe space of compassion, understanding, and healing. Not only has Jillian helped me grieve and process unresolved traumas and emotions, her approach has helped me to see how these also show up as triggers in my adult life - usually unconsciously. I’m forever grateful to Jillian as I release unwanted beliefs and habits around perfectionism, people pleasing, and overall feelings of unworthiness.



Free FB Community - Sovereign Women Rising

Sovereign Women Rising is a free, supportive community designed for women healing from the wounds of narcissistic abuse.

In this group, you’ll find empowering resources, guided discussions, and shared experiences to help you reclaim your personal power, establish healthy boundaries, and step into your sovereignty. Together, we create a space for healing, growth, and inner peace.

Whether you're at the beginning of your healing journey or seeking deeper transformation, Sovereign Women Rising is here to support and uplift you as you rise into your most authentic, empowered self.


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