The Art of Sovereign Living
After Narcissistic Abuse

Woman Meditating in Front of Water

7 Steps to Start Reconnecting with Your True Self After Narcissistic Abuse

October 13, 20245 min read

7 Steps to Start Reconnecting with Your True Self After Narcissistic Abuse

Healing after narcissistic abuse is a journey of rediscovering the woman you were always meant to be—the empowered, sovereign woman who holds her worth deep within her, untouchable by the wounds of the past. When you’ve spent so much time in a relationship that erodes your sense of self, it’s natural to feel lost or disconnected from your true identity. The narcissistic dynamic, built on manipulation, control, and invalidation, can shatter your self-esteem, leaving you questioning who you are and what you deserve.

But let me reassure you—you are not broken. You have the strength within you to heal, rebuild, and reconnect with your authentic self. Healing is about reclaiming your voice, your worth, and your power. It’s about knowing that you deserve to live a life of peace, love, and sovereignty. Today, I want to guide you through some compassionate steps to help you on this path of healing and reconnection.

Step 1: Acknowledge the Impact of Narcissistic Abuse

The first step to healing is acknowledging the impact narcissistic abuse has had on your life. Abuse doesn’t always leave visible scars, but it does leave emotional wounds that can linger long after the relationship ends. Narcissistic abuse often chips away at your self-worth, creating deep-seated doubts about your value and identity. You might have spent years believing the lies told to you—that your feelings don’t matter, that your needs are insignificant, or that you’re unworthy of love unless you conform to the narcissist’s demands.

But now, it’s time to challenge those beliefs. Recognize that the abuse was never a reflection of your worth. It was a reflection of the other person’s inability to love you healthily. You are worthy of love, respect, and care just as you are—no more proving or sacrificing your truth.

Step 2: Reconnect with Your Inner Voice

In narcissistic relationships, your inner voice—the one who knows your desires, needs, and boundaries—often gets silenced. You may have learned to prioritize the narcissist’s wants over your own to avoid conflict or manipulation. Now, it’s time to reconnect with that inner voice, the part of you that holds your truth and intuition.

Begin by practicing self-reflection and mindfulness. Take time each day to tune into your body and emotions. How are you feeling? What do you need in this moment? Start small—whether taking a walk, journaling your thoughts, or sitting quietly in meditation. By regularly checking in with yourself, you’ll begin to rebuild trust with that inner guidance that may have been buried for too long.

Step 3: Rebuild Your Self-Worth

Narcissistic relationships can make you feel as though your worth is tied to external validation—whether through praise, approval, or meeting someone else’s expectations. Healing means recognizing that your worth is inherent. You are valuable simply because you exist. It’s time to rebuild your self-worth from the inside out.

Start by celebrating your strengths, resilience, and all that you’ve overcome. Take note of the small wins—each boundary you set, each moment you honor your needs, each time you choose yourself. These moments add up, reinforcing that you are worthy of love and respect. Affirmations can be a powerful tool here: remind yourself daily that “I am enough,” “I am worthy of love,” and “I honor my truth.”

Step 4: Set Boundaries to Protect Your Peace

One of the most empowering steps in healing is learning to set boundaries. After enduring a relationship where your boundaries may have been crossed repeatedly, protecting your energy and peace is essential. Boundaries are not about keeping people out but about creating safe spaces where you can thrive.

Start small, whether it’s saying no to a request that drains you, limiting contact with toxic individuals, or carving out time each day just for you. Setting boundaries communicates to yourself and others that your needs matter and that you are responsible for your well-being.

Step 5: Rediscover Your Authentic Self

After years of shaping yourself to fit someone else’s expectations, you might wonder, “Who am I, really?” This is where the beautiful work of rediscovery begins. Who are you when no one else is telling you who to be? What lights you up? What are your passions, values, and dreams?

Take time to explore: try new activities, revisit old hobbies, and reconnect with the things that bring you joy. Journaling can be especially helpful—ask yourself questions like, “What do I love to do?” or “What did I dream about as a child?” Give yourself permission to explore, be curious, and follow what feels good.

Step 6: Cultivate Self-Compassion

Healing is not linear, and there will be days when you feel strong and others when the weight of the past feels heavier. On those difficult days, practice self-compassion. Be kind to yourself as you navigate this journey. You are doing your best, and every step forward—no matter how small—is a victory.

When self-critical thoughts arise, pause and remind yourself that healing takes time and patience. Speak to yourself the way you would speak to a dear friend—with love, understanding, and encouragement. You deserve compassion, especially from yourself.

Step 7: Embrace Your Sovereignty

As you continue on this path of healing, remember that you are the sovereign of your own life. No one else can dictate your worth, your choices, or your destiny. Embracing sovereignty means taking ownership of your healing, your happiness, and your future. It means stepping into your power and living life on your terms—free from the constraints of the past.

Your journey to reclaiming your true self is a journey of empowerment. You are not the same person you were before the abuse—you are stronger, wiser, and more resilient. You’ve walked through the fire and come out on the other side with the power to rebuild your life with authenticity, love, and grace.

Final Thoughts: Trust the Journey

Healing after narcissistic abuse is a deeply personal and transformative journey. It’s a journey of reclaiming the parts of yourself that were silenced, rediscovering your inherent worth, and stepping into the fullness of your sovereign power. Every step you take is a testament to your strength and resilience.

Remember to trust the journey as you continue to heal and reconnect with your true self. You are worthy of love, peace, and the life you desire. The sovereign woman within you is ready to rise—she has always been there, waiting for you to come home.

With love and healing,


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