The Art of Sovereign Living
After Narcissistic Abuse

Fear of Changes

Embracing Change and the Fear of the Unknown after Narcissistic Abuse

September 15, 20248 min read

It is common to have an unconscious resistance to change due to fear of the unknown or failure. This resistance can often feel like an invisible force holding us back from living the life we truly desire. For those of us raised by narcissistic parents, the fear of change and the unknown can be particularly intense. Narcissistic parenting often involves an environment where control, manipulation, and conditional love are the norms. These experiences can profoundly shape how you perceive change by making it seem even more threatening and risky than it might to someone who grew up in a more nurturing environment.

Let’s explore why the fear of change is incredibly daunting for those who have been raised by a narcissist.

1. The Instability of Conditional Love:

Narcissistic parents often condition their love and approval on their child’s ability to meet certain expectations or demands. This kind of conditional love creates an unstable emotional environment where the child is constantly striving to meet the parent’s shifting standards, often at the expense of their own needs and desires. When love and approval are contingent on compliance, the child learns to associate change—any deviation from what is expected—with the withdrawal of affection and support. This ingrained belief that change could lead to emotional abandonment makes the prospect of stepping into the unknown particularly terrifying.

2. Fear of Failure as a Reflection of Worth:

In narcissistic households, failure is often not seen as a natural part of growth but rather as a personal flaw or inadequacy. Narcissistic parents may respond to their child’s mistakes with harsh criticism, shaming, or even punishment rather than offering support and understanding. As a result, the child internalizes the belief that failure is unacceptable and that their worth is directly tied to their success. This fear of failure can become so overwhelming that it paralyzes the individual, making them resistant to any change that carries the risk of making a mistake or not living up to expectations. For someone raised in this environment, change represents a potential threat to their self-worth, leading to intense anxiety and avoidance.

3. Lack of a Safe Foundation for Exploration:

Healthy exploration and experimentation are crucial for personal growth and development. However, in a narcissistic household, exploration is often discouraged or even punished, especially if it threatens the narcissistic parent’s control. The child may have been discouraged from pursuing their own interests or making independent decisions, leading to a stunted sense of autonomy. Without the freedom to explore and make mistakes in a supportive environment, the individual may grow up with a limited ability to navigate change. They might feel lost or overwhelmed when faced with new situations because they never had the opportunity to develop the skills needed to adapt and thrive in unfamiliar circumstances.

4. Deep-Seated Self-Doubt and Low Self-Esteem:

Narcissistic parents often undermine their children’s self-esteem by constantly criticizing or devaluing their thoughts, feelings, and achievements. Over time, this erodes the child’s self-confidence, leading to deep-seated self-doubt. When it comes to embracing change, this self-doubt can manifest as a fear of not being capable or deserving of success. The child-turned-adult may hesitate to pursue new opportunities, fearing they will not measure up or that they will fail. The fear of being exposed as inadequate or unworthy can create a powerful barrier to change, keeping the individual stuck in familiar yet unfulfilling patterns.

5. Fear of the Unknown as a Threat to Control:

Narcissistic parents often maintain control through predictability and rigidity, setting strict rules and expectations that the child must follow. Any deviation from these expectations is frequently met with hostility, manipulation, or punishment. This environment teaches the child to associate the unknown with danger, as unpredictability usually resulted in negative consequences. As adults, we may cling to what is familiar, even if it is unhealthy or limiting because the unknown represents a loss of control and the potential for harm. The fear of losing control or of being unable to predict and manage outcomes can make change seem overwhelming and fraught with peril.

6. Conditioned to Seek Approval:

Growing up with a narcissistic parent often means that love and approval are conditional, based on compliance with the parent’s demands. As a result, adult children of narcissists may develop a deep need for external validation. This need for approval can make change particularly daunting, as it might involve pursuing a path that the narcissistic parent would not approve of. The fear of losing approval can keep individuals trapped in a cycle of self-sabotage, where they avoid change to maintain a sense of security, even if it means staying in an unhealthy or unfulfilling situation. This conditioning to seek approval can be so strong that it becomes difficult to discern one’s desires and needs, further complicating the change process.

Understanding Unconscious Resistance to Change

Change is a natural part of life, but it’s not always easy to embrace. For many of us, the idea of stepping into the unknown can be intimidating, even paralyzing. This fear often stems from a deep-rooted belief that change might lead to failure, disappointment, or loss of control. These fears can be so deeply ingrained that we may not even be fully aware of them. Instead, they manifest as unconscious resistance, making us hesitant to take risks, try new things, or move forward in our personal growth.

Unconscious resistance to change can show up in various ways. Perhaps you’ve noticed yourself procrastinating on important decisions, avoiding opportunities that could lead to growth, or clinging to old habits that no longer serve you. This resistance might be subtle, like a nagging doubt in the back of your mind, or more overt, like a full-blown fear of failure that keeps you stuck in your comfort zone.

The Power of Self-Reflection and Awareness

The first step in overcoming unconscious resistance to change is to bring these fears into the light of awareness. Self-reflection is a powerful tool for this. By taking the time to look inward, you can identify the specific fears holding you back.

·       Are you afraid of making a mistake?

·       Are you worried about what others might think?

·       Are you concerned that you’re not capable or deserving of success?

Understanding these fears is crucial because you can begin to work through them once you can name them.

Here are some prompts and exercises to help you become more aware of your unconscious resistance to change:

1. Reflect on Past Experiences:

Think about times in your life when you resisted change. What were you afraid of? How did those fears influence your decisions? Did you avoid taking action or find a way to push through? Reflecting on these past experiences can help you identify patterns of resistance and understand where your fears originate.

2. Journal Your Thoughts and Feelings:

Set aside time each day to journal your thoughts and feelings about change. Write freely, without judgment, and see what comes up. You might discover fears or anxieties that you weren’t fully aware of. This process of journaling can be incredibly revealing and can help you connect with the deeper layers of your subconscious mind.

3. Identify Your Comfort Zones:

Make a list of the areas in your life where you feel most comfortable. These are likely the areas where you resist change the most. Ask yourself why you feel safe in these zones and what fears might prevent you from stepping outside them. Understanding your comfort zone can help you see where you might be holding yourself back.

4. Challenge Your Fears:

Once you’ve identified your fears, take some time to challenge them. Ask yourself, “Is this fear based on reality, or is it a story I’m telling myself?” Often, our fears are based on limiting beliefs rather than actual facts. By questioning these beliefs, you can begin to shift your mindset and open yourself up to new possibilities.

Embracing Change with Confidence

As you become more aware of your unconscious resistance, it’s important to approach this awareness with compassion. Change is challenging, and it’s natural to feel afraid or uncertain. But remember that growth happens outside of your comfort zone. Every step you take towards embracing change is a step towards a more empowered and fulfilling life.

One of the most powerful ways to move through resistance is to focus on the potential benefits of change rather than the potential risks. What could you gain by embracing change? How might your life improve? By shifting your focus to the positive outcomes, you can begin to build excitement and motivation for the journey ahead.

Another key to embracing change is to take small, manageable steps. You don’t have to overhaul your life overnight. Start with one small change and see how it feels. As you build confidence in your ability to navigate change, you’ll find it easier to take on bigger challenges.

Finally, remember to be kind to yourself along the way. Change is a process, and it’s okay to take your time. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small, and recognize that every step forward is a victory.

Moving Forward

Overcoming unconscious resistance to change is not about forcing yourself to be fearless. It’s about acknowledging your fears, understanding where they come from, and gently guiding yourself toward growth and transformation. Through self-reflection and awareness, you can uncover the hidden barriers that hold you back and begin to dismantle them, one step at a time.

As you navigate this journey, remember that you are not alone. We all experience resistance to change and have the power to overcome it. By embracing your fears and moving forward with courage and compassion, you can create the life you’ve always dreamed of.

With love and healing,


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